So obviously you get waxes but how do you keep/ maintain the area from irritation after and just...

Q: So obviously you get waxes but how do you keep/ maintain the area from irritation after and just keep it "pretty"? Sorry if this is weird

I don’t get waxes at all! I got one once like, ¾ years ago and the grow-back process was a fucking nightmare. I’ll never do it again. First of all, I am fair haired and I have asian on both sides of my family so I have very fine body hair and very little at that. I shave! I change my razor every 2 shaves for the bikini area to make sure the blade is super sharp and I shave with coconut oil. When it starts to grow back, I baby powder the area every day to make sure the skin stays “calm” as sweat and body oil from the gym and daily life can cause ingrown hairs. I shave anywhere from once a week to every 2-3 weeks depending on what’s goin on haha