Just gutted out my closet and it feels so goooood. Inviting you guys to do the same for a little win/win sitch.. Starting today til forever, if you donate clothing/items and/or money to the DTLA Women’s Center and send me proof, I’ll hook you up with a niiice discount on LainaRauma.com. If you are not in LA, you can donate at downtownwomenscenter.org OR, choose something close to your heart in your area and send me proof! It’s good energy to recycle the old and bring in the new. I’m a product of a single mother of 4 and we lived in second hand shops growing up. It was important for her and for us to feel good about ourselves. To feel confident in how we expressed/presented ourselves to the world. Thank God for those thrift stores! I am now the creative genius I am today for that there reason. Share the wealth. And I gotchu back. Official link on the site going up soon. But for now, email a blonde at: lainarauma@lainarauma.com. Any kind of proof will do and I’ll send you the code. Love you. xx