I absolutely love your clothing! How are you able to do it all yourself? Make the clothes, promo,...

Q: I absolutely love your clothing! How are you able to do it all yourself? Make the clothes, promo, HAVE A LIFE!, answer questions etc.? Do you have a method to how you balance it all?

I honestly don’t know how I do it hahaha. I’ve been manifesting more of a work/life balance because I’ve already burnt out a couple times before and that is not fun. I’ve either gotten really, really sick or just like, depressed and uninspired. And I don’t really have a life! I fit in a dinner/drink or a day with my friends here and there but I mostly work every day. If I take a day off, I’m still emailing, promo-ing, whatever.. it never ends but that comes with the territory. I balance that schedule with going to the gym to get my head right, eating well, drinking tons of water, journaling and making sure I get outside for at least a couple hours a day. And NAPS!!! But this is my baby and I love it so where there’s a will there’s a way!! I’m also hiring people to keep up with the growth and allowing some room for help so that I do have time to decompress when I need it. ;-) And Thank you!! <3 <3