Hi... I have hearing problems (I can't hear good) I have hearing aids but I don't wear it because I...

Q: Hi... I have hearing problems (I can't hear good) I have hearing aids but I don't wear it because I get embarrassed.. I also have lisp sometimes I can't pronouce words right and I get embarrassed... Sometimes I don't talk at all because I don't want them to make fun of me... And I feel like I won't be able to get a good job in the future because Of my lips and because I can't hear that good... I don't know what to do please help :(

Honey, I promise you if you are just YOU, people are going to love you. If your hearing aids help you hear better, by all means wear them! If someone is ignorant enough to make fun of them, you really just need to feel for them as they’re either just not educated or have the same fear and pain inside that you do. You are here in this earth, with the challenges God gave you for a reason. You can handle them and you are very powerful. The idea is to learn them and overcome them and you can and you will. Remember, your soul and your spirit decided to be here on this earth and you know you can handle the challenges you face so be FEARLESS. It’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be amazing each time you pass another fear. Keep going. <3