My Rory. There isn't one person on this earth that impresses me more than this man, in literally every aspect of life. Or anyone I trust or believe in more. He works SO hard, with a pure heart and honest intentions, always. He's so beyond fucking talented, smart and funny as SHIT and genuinely one of the most considerate and detail oriented people I've ever met. If you ever mentioned liking that one random thing in passing when you were drunk that one random time, trust that you're getting it for your birthday or Christmas that year.

I hope you enjoy getting to know this very special person and just know, you have barely seen the TIP of what Rory is bringing to the world..  


1.)  Describe what you do for a living and how you are adjusting to social distancing?
I’m the head of Global Creative for a large cosmetic brand and I moonlight as a jewelry/accessories designer. I’m truthfully *just* starting to adjust to social distancing — six weeks in. It goes without saying, not being in the office has made it infinitely more difficult to not only manage a staff and workload but also myself and my feelings. A real journey.

2.)  Being your own boss, it can be hard - damn near impossible - to stay motivated during stressful times like these. What has been your go-to, kick me out of my funky ass mood, ritual or activity during quarantine?

Happy hour was around 6:00 everyday when quarantine first started. Recently I’ve joined my 2:00 meetings with a glass of wine and by 6:00 I’m like “Quarantine is cool, man. Do we have any more of these chips?”

3.) Describe what a busy/productive day looks like for you these days compared to BC. (Before Covid) 
Honestly, not much has changed. I’m lucky enough to still have my full-time job so my days are essentially spent “at the office”… it’s just my office looks a lot like my kitchen table and why am I not wearing pants? I now begin all my emails with “Hope you’re staying safe and sane!” instead of the more traditional “Hey, bitch." As the leader of a team of people, I find myself spending more time considering their emotions and well-being. I’m really trying to come up with effective ways to contribute positively that aren’t Zoom Happy Hours.

4.) Now describe what a meltdown day looks like! Do you let yourself feel it all or do you push through?
I imagine my meltdowns look just like everyone else’s. With crazy eyes, I calmly but sternly tell my wife and kid “Daddy needs a little time to himself.” I get in bed, smoke myself into a coma, and search “leopard” endlessly on any website with an Add to Cart button.

Jokes aside, I let myself feel it. The most important thing you can do during a meltdown right now is to have the fucking meltdown. Have it hard because if you don’t, it’ll be back for more.

5.) Any challenges or goals, personal or career you’ve given yourself while on lockdown? Or is getting through this shit accomplishment enough? (It is btw.)
It wasn’t a formal goal I set but I did find myself frantically searching for a short-term solution as my gold production was shut down temporarily. I forced myself outside the jewelry box. I realized quickly into quarantine that I needed to stay busy. Really busy. I needed my after-work work back.

An action plan revealed itself to me after a gorgeous and sunny meltdown day. The pants are in the mail. I live for the entrepreneurial high you get from a heavy brainstorm sesh that results in a plan — especially when it’s your name on the dot com. As with other small brands, I pivoted and began designing and producing PPE face masks. The success and support surrounding that initiative sparked a real restructure of my priorities. The vision I have for my brand mid-quarantine feels so much more authentic and evolved despite being pretty much closed. I’m actually excited for the future.

6.) What has been your most favorite thing about this crazy moment in time? Discovered any hidden gems about yourself or your life while having a moment to breathe and reflect?
I accidentally started to answer this question above but it’s given me a ton of perspective so I’m happy to elaborate. My focus has already shifted both in my career and personal life. I believe this will be true for a lot of people. As we begin to phase out of this, we’ll find ourselves appreciating simpler pleasures and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I think a lot of us needed a little reset. I can tell you that in my adult life I have never enjoyed just taking a walk for “fresh air” or whatever as much as I do now. If you live in LA you’ve surely taken note of the sky. I APPRECIATE THE FUCKING SKY RIGHT NOW, BRO. When was the last time you said that out loud?

7.) What advice would you offer anyone who is particularly going through it during this isolation period?
Remember that you’re not alone. We’re all in this together and together is the only way we’re going to get through it. I saw a meme that I shared with my staff and the gist of it was to remember that you’re not just “working from home” or just “staying in tonight”. We’re in hell. This is the definition of hell. You are doing the best you can to get your work done while actively dealing with trauma of varying degrees. You are staying in your home to protect yourself from something you can’t see, or smell, or feel. You should be going through it!! This shit fuckin sucks!! That’s reality!! And you certainly don’t have to live in it but you do need to dabble.

With that, be nice to yourself. Use this time as wisely as *you* can. Try and find your little joys — you just need one to start. If you can’t get yourself to locate them yet, take a breather. Stop looking at Instagram and pick up a book. If you need a reco, ask someone. People love talking about books! Remember you are never without resource.

8.) What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown has been lifted? 
I’m eager to learn what life is going to be like post-Covid for a lot of reasons. A lot of us work “in the industry” and I’m curious to know what that will look like moving forward. What’s the first set post-Covid going to look like and will there be catering? I’m curious to learn shopper insights and see how brands are pivoting sales mechanics. Will brands start to “care”? I’m *very* curious to see how this culture of influencer lead marketing resurfaces. Will it resurface? I’m curious to see how we all interact after a lot of us have undergone some forced self-reflection, for better or worse.

I’m also looking forward to fucking up a fresh-out-of-the-oven Mac ’n cheese from Preaux & Proper the minute they open. I might even have two.

9.) How difficult has this been for you on a scale of hermit to social butterfly? Do you need the juice of other humans or are you thriving in your lil quarantine cocoon?? Have you been quarantined alone like moi? Or do you have a partner/family around?
I’ll have my juice in my cocoon, please. I just need balance. I crave my unique balance of interaction and alone time, we all do. If you’re quarantined with someone you are craving time to yourself. If you’re quarantined alone you are craving some interaction.

10.) And lastly, any hilarious or embarrassing tidbits you’d like to share are most welcome. For example, did you freak out and buy a years supply of hand sanitizer? Did you get drunk and text an ex lover because you thought the world might be ending or was that just me?
That was just you but.. I did yoga.
*Rory is wearing the Seaweed Velvet Leisure Suit and Robein size Medium

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