OKAY! So Jeniece is like a 0 to 60 obsession, high key!!! Her energy intrigues you and then pulls you in with this warmth like she just feels GOOD. SUPER talented. SUPA DUPA (FLY) real, raw and intense. Exactly how I love my women. Fire-y and "fuck it." Like lowkey reminds me of myself. I am in love with her and after reading her Q&A you will be too. 


1.) Describe what you do for a living and how you are adjusting to social distancing? 

Currently an accessory designer, living with my alter ego JeBlanc.

2.) Being your own boss, it can be hard - damn near impossible - to stay motivated during stressful times like these.. What has been your go-to, kick me out of my funky ass mood, ritual or activity during quarantine? 

I love love love bike riding, I think its so important to invest in a bike - its a way for transportation all while seeing how beautiful the earth is, all while excercising and saving the planet from harsh pollution. 

3.) Describe what a busy/productive day looks like for you these days compared to BC. (Before Covid)  

Package up products, 5 mile bike ride to and from the Post Office, eat fruit, dance, crate something new, read a few passages from my books that inspire me, write in my journal, and figure out my next plans and art direction for the future <3 keeps me sane 

4.) Now describe what a meltdown day looks like! Do you let yourself feel it all or do you push through? We’ve all had them. (I personally had a meltdown week when I first heard the news.) 

Getting out of bed by 11am ( My mornings bring me clarity and peace so when I miss out, I feel sluggish) Not exercising - ordering food because my body just can’t seem to cook. And being in my head all day, not feeling inspired and just feeling blah. Oh shit oh yeah I have to push through, but the main thing is not beat myself up when I have these days, because we are human, and humans are robots, I give myself a full day and but by each hour I at least try and tell myself positive thoughts - so by the end of the night I’m promising myself tomorrow will make up for it <3 

 5.) Any challenges or goals, personal or career you’ve given yourself while on lockdown? Or is getting through this shit accomplishment enough? (It is btw.) 

Making sure I’m activate, and have set routine down for myself - and just to create with a purpose. Meaning, I seek inspiration and then design. I don’t want to get in the habit that I must create just to fill a void, theres so many other things that are apart of the designing process that can be beautiful so I embrace the entirety. This time is so important, even if we don’t feel creativity, pick up a book, make it a habit to check on friends, etc. give yourself some type of structure. 

6.) What has been your most favorite thing about this crazy moment in time? Discovered any hidden gems about yourself or your life while having a moment to breathe and reflect?

Truly seeing everyone try and figure out exactly who they are, and who they wish to be. This was like a spiritual awakening for a lot of people and I can feel that energy wholeheartedly. It’s absolutely beautiful - we are appreciating our Mother Earth so much more, and intimacy so much more. FINALLY! ITS TRULY A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. 

7.) What advice would you offer anyone who is particularly going through it during this isolation period?  

My honest and truest advice, is feel the pain, get it all out of your system and transfer that energy into movement and into pursuits. Angry, depressed energy usually makes the best art. But you have to be true to yourself and Your emotions and locate where this pain is coming from, and what you feel as though you’re lacking. You’re not alone at all. 

8.) What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown has been lifted? 

Deep in my heart, I wanna believe the dating scene is gonna be Hot and Spicy, Dancing with someone, being sexy and flirtatious…..I can’t wait to mingle, and feel true freedom within myself. 

9.) How difficult has this been for you on a scale of hermit to social butterfly? Do you need the juice of other humans or are you thriving in your lil quarantine cocoon?? Have you been quarantined alone like moi? Or do you have a partner/family around?

I’m constantly going back and forth with both. I’m a human lover, and humans inspire me like nothing else on this planet…..I find us all so complex and interesting so I Have my time to get inspired and feel loved, then I take that energy and organize it when I’m alone. It’s so important to be in solitude and mediate. I’m single, no family here so my alone is very sacred and I pray for protection daily. 

10.) And lastly, any hilarious or embarrassing tidbits you’d like to share are most welcome. For example, did you freak out and buy a years supply of hand sanitizer? Did you get drunk and text an ex because you thought the world might be ending or was that just me? 

Got my pussy ate real bomb <3 LMAOOOO DON’T POST THAT but FORREAL idk if I like him but he’s great at it so I’m opening myself up to receiving more sexual pleasures, I was super embarrassed at first now its empowering….even if he’s not “the one” 

*Jeniece is wearing the Frosted Taupe Velvet Separates in size Small. 

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