BABYGIRL B!! Bianca, aka Quin, is like a kitten with fairy wings and a mermaid tail. Her voice is that of a literal DreamGirl in that it will take you some place far beyond the clouds and into the stars. We always kinda admired each other from afar and then truly bonded when she came over to pull clothes for a video and realized we had the same definition of what The Girl Code is and what it meant to live by it. A real one. A sister. A kitty cat. Get to know her.. 


 1.) Describe what you do for a living and how you are adjusting to social distancing?

I’m a musician. I’m just grateful I still have the tools to create from the house. The big adjustment for me was getting out of pre tour busy mode and slipping into what felt like frozen time where everything was just floating in the air. I’m a cozy girl so I’m okay at home but not having the option to go ride some rollercoasters whenever I feel like it has been hitting me lately. When it comes to my loved ones, even though I’m missing them we’ve been talking a lot more lately. I’m having weekly zoom calls with my family, calling my people when they cross my mind.. I live for stuff like that, and I had been taking our tools for granted. It’s been interesting being forced into the future where we’re having to rely on the internet and all our little gadgets more than ever- grateful for that.

2.) Being your own boss, it can be hard - damn near impossible - to stay motivated during stressful times like these.. What has been your go-to, kick me out of my funky ass mood, ritual or activity during quarantine?

Having the option to NOT be responsible is so funny, like I knew self discipline mastering was the goal for the year but damn! Haha
so I’ve been doing my usual yoga but my latest endeavor has been practicing Muay Thai. SO GOOD. Shoutout to my trainer Tomer whose become a dear friend! I started in January and I’ve never put my body through anything this fierce so its been so cool seeing how quickly bodies adapt to good practice. THE SUN. Been soaking it up every little chance I get. Never taking a sunny day for granted again, and when it rains, all the more reason to write something blue (my fav) haha. I’ve just been pretending! I’ve been playing I’ve been not too hard on myself if I want to sleep in for a day, or if right now a movie flashed through my mind and I feel like watching it. Like whatever! And at the same time really get into being the boss of me and respecting that- sticking to my deadlines, continuing to work hard and consistently. I’ve been learning myself and creating balance and softness within me, so that I can create effortlessly because that’s what it’s all about.

3.) Describe what a busy/productive day looks like for you these days compared to BC. (Before Covid) 

Honestly, BC, I can’t lie I was still inside haha but let’s see. On a good old BC day I’d wake up early like I like it, have my morning routine, go to yoga, get it out the way go meet u w a friend, have some tea, plot some things out, get to the studio by 12 work til I feel satisfied, go home and be in bed by 11 (dreamday). On a BC off day I’m at six flags. ( I just got my 2020 pass too smh) Now, I’m just grateful I can work from home but you know what I do miss? a bomb ass date night ;(

4.) Now describe what a meltdown day looks like! Do you let yourself feel it all or do you push through? We’ve all had them. (I personally had a meltdown week when I first heard the news.)

My kinda meltdown day? I feel everything! And I always let myself. Sometimes I know exactly why, sometimes I gotta feel it to learn why, sometimes I’m just feeling the world, sometimes I’m just throwing a tantrum. Either way, if I have to push through and get something done of course I will, but I absolutely have to let it out and get to know it when I feel it. (Thank god for patient loved ones lol) I cry all the time, but there’s those special yummy ones where you gotta hit the floor witit. You know.

5.) Any challenges or goals, personal or career you’ve given yourself while on lockdown? Or is getting through this shit accomplishment enough? (It is btw.)

I’m always tryna play games with myself so yes I said I’d write a poem every day, meditate everyday and practice my reiki. There’s some books I’ve challenged myself to get through. And that’s been nice because I’d been taking those for granted too. And staying committed to the things I started before all this -big challenge but its happening!

6.) What has been your most favorite thing about this crazy moment in time? Discovered any hidden gems about yourself or your life while having a moment to breathe and reflect?

I’m just a little girl who wants to sing and dance and practice my super powers. I’ve been realizing how much resistance I’ve built up within myself and its been showing up more than ever in so many different areas of my life and I love it. It’s been beautiful and uncomfortable and so worth it. I’ve been completely reprogramming, as we all have. Shedding many many layers lately and it just keeps revealing my kid self and all the things I needed to remember I am.

7.) What advice would you offer anyone who is particularly going through it during this isolation period?

You are important and necessary to the planet.
You chose to be here. Whether you remember or not, so use this time to figure out exactly what tools you’re unique one of a kind self possesses and learn how to use them. What do you have to share? We all have something. Don’t be too hard on yourself and take it all one step at a time. Stay in your lane and focus on what you need from you.

8.) What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown has been lifted?

Cookouts with my best friends. THE BEACH. THE FAIR. the science museum haha more picnics! more singing out loud with my community. I’m looking forward to not procrastinating when i think about doing something. just gotta do it!

9.) How difficult has this been for you on a scale of hermit to social butterfly? Do you need the juice of other humans or are you thriving in your lil quarantine cocoon?? Have you been quarantined alone like moi? Or do you have a partner/family around?

I have a cat named Nova that’s my number one guardian angel right there. And I have a partner thank god for his patience lol he’s special. I’ve been going through my ups and downs but very grateful to have someone who just gets me. I’m the type of person that grows best away from the world, so if it’s time to plot and morph into next level me, here we go. I don’t need many people to be happy and my main ones are only a FaceTime away so that part hasn’t been too hard. Every now and then though I will throw a fit cuz I just wanna go play soccer or go out to dinner haha it could be worse! So I’m thankful.

10.) And lastly, any hilarious or embarrassing tidbits you’d like to share are most welcome. For example, did you freak out and buy a years supply of hand sanitizer? Did you get drunk and text an ex lover because you thought the world might be ending or was that just me?

Haha Laina!

Man the boyfriend/girlfriend quarantine quarrels have me dead when I think about how ridiculous it can get haha I can’t lie I’ve attacked, I’ve thrown some fits.. I cried one day cuz he didn’t wanna play cards with me. That’s when I knew it was bad. LOL

*Bianca is wearing the Seaweed Velvet separates in size Small.*

1 comment

This was such a lovely thing to read this afternoon and a very well put together interview. The questions were great and the down to earth answers were even better. I felt like I could relate and connect, which is always great. thank you for sharing 🖤 I hope you stay safe and healthy and I know we can make it out of all this together. I’m sure things will be different than they were “BC” (of course lol) but as long as we support each other, we will be okay. We all have purpose.

Like Bianca said, “You are important and necessary to the planet.” NEVER forget that y’all. Love anyone who is reading this and I’m sending positive energy your way.😌

Alaysha Green

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